Benefits to You

Benefits to You of a Credential and Membership in NAPG

In making its credentialing decisions (via transcript reviews and examinations), NAPG relies on the consensus in the field about appropriate course work at various academic levels (Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education, Standards and Guidelines for Gerontology and Geriatrics in Higher Education, 2015) and the knowledge and skills, or competencies, that define Gerontologists (AGHE, Gerontology Competencies for Undergraduate and Graduate Education, 2014).

The following are some of the benefits of NAPG membership:

  • A credential that is internationally recognized as an indicator of expertise in Gerontology
  • Authorization to use the designation “CPG” (Credentialed Professional Gerontologist) to signify NAPG membership
  • Access to a network of highly trained, respected Gerontology professionals through the NAPG newsletter and networking activities
  • Access to continuing education opportunities
  • Confirmation for a current or prospective employer that the NAPG member has met the highest standards for professional expertise
  • Assurance for the public that the NAPG member has the training necessary to provide high quality care

Our Members Say . . .

  • “I like using the letters [CPG]. People ask me about them and I’m glad to say they reflect my training in Gerontology.”
  • “Congrats on the newsletter! It’s a great way to keep in touch, be recognized, and find out what is going on in the field.”
  • “My boss likes my framed NAPG certificate and thinks it looks good for our business.”
  • “I know my employer contacted you when I was going for a promotion. Thanks for putting in a good word about me!”
  • Being a NAPG member is a way to promote the profession.”

Reflection's from Candidates for Credentialing

Passion, Pastures, and Potential
by Margriet De Lange, M.A.,Gerontology

Reflections on the Benefits of NAPG Certification
by Susan Harlan, M.A., Gerontology